GRE Exam 2022: The Ultimate Guide

published on 21 October 2022
GRE Exam 2022: The Ultimate Guide
GRE Exam 2022: The Ultimate Guide

Here we sharing GRE Exam 2022: The Ultimate Guide. I hope you like this article.

The Graduate Record Examination is a standardized test. The exam is required for admission to master's and doctoral degree programs in various universities in the United States, Canada, and a few other countries.

GRE Exam 2022: The Ultimate Guide

The GRE is an essential examination for those pursuing a postgraduate degree. The exam assesses your analytical and reasoning skills and has become a standard metric by which Universities judge postgraduate applicants. If you’re considering applying to a postgraduate or doctorate program, you must understand what the GRE will ask of you and how best to prepare. So, if you’re prepping for the GRE to pursue graduate studies, read on for our ultimate guide!

Eligibility for the GRE Exam: ETS does not specify any specific GRE eligibility criteria. It is open to anyone, regardless of age or educational background, to take the GRE.

The fee for taking the exam is 213 USD. This does not include cancellation or rescheduling charges.

Also, you must know that due to the current situation of the covid pandemic, many universities are also giving an option of substituting the GRE with relevant work experience.

Introduction to the GRE Exam  

The GRE exam is a 3-hour and 45-minute exam that consists of three sections

  • The first section assesses your Analytical Writing skills: Here, you’ll be asked to write two essays one in which you’re responding to an academic prompt and another in which you’re analyzing an argumentative prompt.
  • The second section evaluates your Verbal Reasoning skills: This portion of the exam tests your ability to read a passage and then make inferences about the text. For example, you might be asked to identify the main theme in a given passage.
  • The third section tests your Quantitative Reasoning skills: This portion of the exam may ask you to solve for x, graph data, or interpret graphs and charts.

Why take the GRE exam?  

If you wish to pursue a postgraduate or doctoral program abroad, you must take this exam. The GRE score is almost always required as part of the application process for universities abroad. The higher your score, the more likely you will be accepted into a Top University. The GRE has become a standard metric used by universities to judge potential applicants.

How is the GRE different from other exams?  

Unlike many other exams:

  1. The GRE exam is computer-based and contains two analytical writing tasks during which you are given specific instructions on how to approach the essay.
  2. The GRE also provides you with a score breakdown so that you can understand how you performed during each section of the exam.
  3. The GRE is also different from other exams in that it is offered year-round.
  4. Unlike most other tests, whose application periods are limited to specific times of the year, the GRE exam can be taken at any time. This makes the GRE exam especially convenient for those who are looking to apply to graduate programs abroad.

How to register for the exam?  

  1. First, you will need to create an ETS account on their official website
  2. Then select the type of GRE you wish to appear for. There are two types of GRE. General Test GRE and GRE Subject Test.
  3. Due to the Covid Pandemic, ETS is offering the option of giving the GRE from the comfort of your home. So next you have to select the mode of Examination and Date of the exam.
  4. Then submit the relevant documents and pay the fee.

Discover how your GRE exam results can open doors to exciting educational and career opportunities.

How to prepare for the GRE Exam?  

The GRE is a particularly challenging exam to prepare for, mainly due to the wide variety of skills, topics, and areas of knowledge in tests. To best prepare for the exam,

it is recommended that you take at least 8 months to prepare. If you are applying for an accelerated program, you may need to take even more time.

There are several ways to prepare for the GRE, including online courses and self-study books. Other resources like diagnostic tests and practice exams. If you are serious about improving your score, consider signing up for a tutoring course.

I hope you like this article GRE Exam 2022: The Ultimate Guide. If you have any questions about that, please let us know.

An IIT Delhi IIM Ahmedabad alumni initiative

Alpha Education Abroad is an initiative by IIT Delhi and IIM Ahmedabad alumni. The firm helps students get admitted to top universities overseas in the US, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, and many other countries. It allows students to apply for graduation as well as post-graduation courses abroad. It also helps students get admitted to top 1 year MBA programs such as ISB and IIM Ahmedabad in India.

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