How to Deal with Culture Shock While Studying Abroad?

published on 09 May 2023
How to Deal with Culture Shock While Studying Abroad?
How to Deal with Culture Shock While Studying Abroad?

In this article, we discuss How to Deal with Culture Shock While Studying Abroad?

Samantha had always dreamt of studying abroad. She was thrilled when she got her acceptance letter to a university in a foreign country. She spent months planning for her big move, buying everything she thought she would need, and reading up on the culture of the new place.

However, when she finally arrived at her new university, Samantha found herself struggling to adjust to her new surroundings. She felt lost, confused, and out of place. It was then that she realized that she was experiencing culture shock. She missed her family, friends, and everything that was familiar to her.

Culture shock is a common experience for students who study abroad. It can be defined as the feeling of disorientation, anxiety, and confusion that one experiences when they are exposed to a new culture. It can take some time to adjust to a new environment and feel comfortable in it. However, with the right mindset and a few tips, students can manage culture shock and make the most out of their study abroad experience.

Read this article to know more about How to Deal with Culture Shock While Studying Abroad?

What is the Study Abroad Culture Shock? And Why Does it occur? 

Study abroad cultural shock refers to the disorientation and discomfort that individuals may experience when they are exposed to a new and unfamiliar culture while studying abroad. It occurs when individuals encounter cultural differences that are significantly different from their own and they struggle to understand or adapt to them. Cultural shock can manifest in various ways, including feelings of homesickness, frustration, anxiety, and even depression.

Culture shock occurs because individuals are confronted with a new set of cultural norms, beliefs, and values that they are not accustomed to. They may experience differences in language, food, clothing, social customs, and more, which can be overwhelming and disorienting. This can be particularly challenging for individuals who have limited experience with cultural diversity or who have never traveled outside of their home country before.

It's important to note that culture shock is a normal and natural part of the study abroad experience, and it can be overcome with time and effort. By being open-minded, curious, and willing to learn, individuals can adjust to a new culture and gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the world around them.

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8 Super-Effective Tips to Deal with Culture Shock 

Studying abroad can be an exciting and life-changing experience, but it can also be overwhelming and challenging, especially if you are not prepared for cultural differences. Culture shock is a common experience for students who study abroad, and it can take some time to adjust to a new environment and feel comfortable in it. However, with the right mindset and a few tips, students can manage culture shock and make the most out of their study abroad experience. Here are 9 Super-Effective tips to deal with study abroad culture shock:

Be patient: 

Adjusting to a new culture takes time, and it's essential to be patient with yourself. You may feel frustrated or homesick in the beginning, but remember that it's normal. Take it one day at a time and give yourself time to adjust to your new surroundings.

Try new things: 

One of the best ways to overcome cultural shock is to try new things. Step out of your comfort zone and try the local cuisine, attend cultural events, or participate in traditional activities. It will help you understand the local culture and make new friends.

Keep an open mind:

It's essential to keep an open mind and be willing to learn. Don't be afraid to ask questions or seek advice from locals or your peers. Embrace the differences and try to see them as an opportunity for growth and learning.

Take care of yourself: 

Studying abroad can be exhausting, both mentally and physically. Make sure to take care of yourself by getting enough sleep, eating healthy food, and exercising regularly. Taking care of your physical health will also help you manage your emotional well-being.

Stay organized: 

Keeping yourself organized can help reduce stress and anxiety. Make a to-do list, keep a calendar, and set reminders for important deadlines. It will help you stay on top of your coursework and manage your time effectively.


Volunteering is an excellent way to meet new people and give back to the local community. Look for volunteer opportunities in your area and get involved. It will help you feel more connected to your new environment and make a positive impact.

Keep in touch with your home culture: 

While it's essential to immerse yourself in the local culture, it's also important to stay connected with your home culture. Keep up with the news, listen to music from your home country, or cook your favorite dishes. It will help you feel connected to your roots and reduce homesickness.

Seek professional help if needed: 

If you're struggling to manage culture shock, don't be afraid to seek professional help. Your study abroad program may offer counseling services, or you can seek help from a local therapist. Talking to someone can help you process your emotions and develop coping strategies.

What can I do to Prepare Myself to Avoid the Feeling of Culture Shock?

What can I do to Prepare Myself to Avoid the Feeling of Culture Shock?Connect with locals online: 

Join online forums or social media groups that are specific to the country or culture you will be visiting. This will give you a chance to connect with locals, ask questions, and gain insights into their daily lives. Additionally, you can find out about local events or gatherings that you can attend to meet people in person once you arrive.

Learn about the local etiquette: 

Every culture has its own set of customs and etiquette. Learning about them before you go can help you avoid unintentionally offending locals or making a social faux pas. For example, in some cultures, it may be considered rude to eat with your left hand or to tip at a restaurant. By knowing and following these customs, you can show respect and integrate more easily into the local community.

Practice empathy and respect: 

Cultivate a mindset of empathy and respect for other cultures. Try to understand their beliefs, customs, and values without judging them based on your own cultural standards. This will help you navigate cultural differences with an open mind and reduce the feeling of culture shock.


Managing cultural shock while studying abroad can be challenging, but with the right mindset and strategies, it's possible. Be patient, respectful, and open-minded. Try new things, take care of yourself, stay organized, and stay connected to your home culture. And don't be afraid to seek professional help if needed. By following these tips, you can make the most out of your study abroad experience and create lasting memories.

So, This article was about Managing Study Abroad Cultural Shock! We hope by reading this article you must have got some insights on How to Deal with Culture Shock While Studying Abroad?

If you need any further assistance feel free to reach out to Alpha Edu Abroad experts for the advice!! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook!! 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is culture shock, and how can I recognize it?

Culture shock is the feeling of disorientation and anxiety that may occur when you are exposed to a new culture. Symptoms may include feeling homesick, overwhelmed, frustrated, or anxious. You may also experience physical symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, or difficulty sleeping. It is important to recognize these symptoms so you can take steps to manage them.

How can I manage cultural shock when I arrive?

Try to stay open-minded and flexible, and be prepared for things to be different from what you are used to. Join clubs or groups that interest you, and try to make friends with locals. This will help you feel more connected to the culture and may also provide a support system.

How can I deal with homesickness?

It is natural to feel homesick when you are away from home for an extended period. Keep in touch with friends and family back home through email, social media, or video calls. You can also try to find activities that remind you of home, such as cooking your favorite meal or watching a familiar movie.

An IIT Delhi IIM Ahmedabad alumni initiative

Alpha Education Abroad is an initiative by IIT Delhi and IIM Ahmedabad alumni. The firm helps students get admitted to top universities overseas in the US, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, and many other countries. It allows students to apply for graduation as well as post-graduation courses abroad. It also helps students get admitted to top 1 year MBA programs such as ISB and IIM Ahmedabad in India.

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