U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities- Everything To Know

updated on 02 May 2024
U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities- Everything To Know
U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities- Everything To Know

This article is about U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities- Everything To Know.

Are you planning to study abroad in Canada? Then it would be wise to look for one of Canada's U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities. 

The U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities is a collective of some of Canada’s most research-intensive universities. Canada U15 universities are known for their cutting-edge research, exceptional faculty, and world-class facilities, and they play a critical role in driving the country’s economic growth and competitiveness. U15 group aims to create a sustainable higher education environment, foster development and delivery of long-term projects besides contributing to the framing of research policy in Canada and across the world.

Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, and Saskatchewan are among the provinces represented in the U15 Group of Canada’s best research universities.

Keep on reading this article to know more about U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities! 

U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities- Key Information

Formation - 1991

Type - Association of Universities

Headquarters - Constitution Square, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Membership - 15 Universities

Chair - Peter Stoicheff

Chief Executive Officer - Chad Gaffield 

Universities included in U15 Group

The Canada U15 universities are:

  • Western University
  • University of Calgary
  • University of Waterloo
  • University of Manitoba
  • University of Ottawa
  • Queen’s University
  • The University of British
  • University of Saskatchewan
  • McMaster University
  • McGill University
  • University of Montreal
  • University of Toronto
  • University of Alberta
  • Dalhousie University
  • Laval University

Why Study at U15 Universities? - Key Reasons

There are numerous reasons why studying at a U15 university in Canada can be a good choice. Listed below are some reasons

I) World-Class Faculty

II) Cutting-Edge Research

III)Excellent Facilities

IV)Wide Range of Programs

V)Strong Reputation

VI)Rich Culture and Community

U15’s partners in the Global Network

U15 joined the Global Network in 2014, which is a group of networks of research-intensive universities. Basically, the Global Network connects U15 to the top research-intensive universities across the globe.

Listed below are U15’s Partners in the Global Network:

  • Association of American Universities (AAU)
  • Association of East Asian Research Universities (AEARU)
  • C9 League (China)
  • German U15
  • Group of Eight (Go8) Australia
  • Hong Kong 3
  • League of European Research Universities (LERU)
  • RU11 (Japan)
  • Russell Group (UK)

U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities - Interesting Facts 

You should be aware of the fascinating and significant information about the U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities.

So, Listed below are some interesting facts related to the U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities!

  • Undertake around 80% of the entire competitive university research in the country
  • Hold 85% of the Canadian University technology licenses and about 81% of the university patents
  • Conduct more than $8.5 billion of research yearly
  • Contribute almost $36 billion to the economy annually
  • The group produces 75% of all the doctorates awarded in Canada.

Significance of U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities

  • U15 Group plays a role in making Canadian universities more efficient use of pay-based research
  • U15 primarily plays a role in participating in a network of research universities and representing research around the world
  • Works with policy makers to improve fundamental research
  • Helps in conducting research and making high-quality products for national and international students
  • Connecting with experts from all fields of expertise and analyzing public policy or news
  • Provide research support to the public sector, government, and industry

U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities- Principles

  • U15 pursues excellence.
  • U15 challenges Canadians to think deeply about what constitutes and contributes to the public good.
  • U15 contributes thought-provoking ideas and solutions in the global arena.
  • U15 stresses the importance of international cooperation and collaboration.
  • U15 values the entire educational continuum, from primary and secondary schools to undergraduate and post-graduate studies.
  • U15 embraces the contributions of all fields, from the arts and humanities to science and technology, and the value of basic and applied research.
  • U15 endorses the peer-review process to challenge and strengthen discovery.
  • U15 promotes the translation of our knowledge so it informs all aspects of daily life.
  • U15 advocates an open, honest approach to tackling complex issues, engaging all points of view and making difficult decisions.

U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities- Top Alumni

The following are the top alumni of the U15 group universities:

  • Justin Trudeau
  • Rick Hansen
  • Mackenzie Davis
  • Alan Emtage
  • Dave Batters
  • Gordon Barnhart
  • Jonathan Seet
  • Wayne Cao


The U15 group of Canadian Research Universities is an association of 15 public universities specializing in research programs. These universities are also called Regroupement des universities de recherche du Canada, commonly known as U15.

The gathering of these 15 colleges does not just give Canada state-of-the-art examination and advancement yet additionally fortifies the economy. This group is popular not only in Canada but worldwide and innovates. If you are considering studying at U15 Group of Research universities, your idea is right.

This article on U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities- Everything To Know is a one-stop guide to all your queries related to the U15 Group of Research Universities. We hope you like this article!

U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities: FAQs

1. What is the U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities?

The U15 Group is a consortium of 15 leading public research universities in Canada. Established in 1991, these universities are known for their high-quality research and scholarship. They collaborate on a variety of initiatives aimed at strengthening research, promoting innovation, and advocating for higher education in Canada.

2. Which universities are members of the U15 Group?

The U15 Group comprises universities from across Canada, including:

  • University of Alberta
  • University of British Columbia
  • University of Calgary
  • Dalhousie University
  • Laval University
  • University of Manitoba
  • McGill University
  • McMaster University
  • Université de Montréal
  • University of Ottawa
  • Queen's University
  • University of Saskatchewan
  • University of Toronto
  • University of Waterloo
  • Western University (https://u15.ca/)

3. What is the significance of the U15 Group?

The U15 universities play a vital role in the Canadian research landscape. They:

  • Conduct a significant portion of all academic research in Canada, attracting billions of dollars in research funding annually. (https://u15.ca/)
  • Generate a large number of patents and commercialize research discoveries.
  • Educate the next generation of highly skilled researchers and professionals.
  • Collaborate with governments and industry to address critical challenges facing Canada.

4. How can I learn more about the U15 Group?

You can visit the U15 Group's website for detailed information on their member universities, research activities, advocacy efforts, and publications (https://u15.ca/).

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