What’s The Difference Between a Student Visa and Study Permit?

updated on 18 April 2024
What’s The Difference Between a Student Visa and Study Permit-w1wbi

In this article, we are discussing What’s the Difference Between a Student Visa and Study Permit.

A study permit and a student visa have become terms that are used interchangeably but are in fact two separate documents. Students will need to apply for BOTH a student visa and a study permit before coming to Canada. After deciding which university to attend in Canada, it is critical to understand the distinction between a student visa and a study permit. 

A student visa is a valid permission to enter in Canada. This is a conditional authorization- which means that even if you have a student visa, the border security officer has the authority to stop you from entering into the country. 

To get more clarification on this issue and to make it easier for you to understand, we've summarised the difference between Student Visa and Study Permit below. So, Keep on reading this article!

What’s the Difference Between a Student Visa and Study Permit

The student visa is technically a visitor visa or an electronic travel authorization (eTA), either of which will allow the student to cross Canada’s borders. However, to get this student visa/visitor visa/eTA a student will first need to get a Letter of Acceptance (LOA) from a Canadian DLI. Once the student enters Canada with their student visa, the Canadian Border Service Agency (CBSA) will sign and hand the study permit to the student.

A study permit gives you the authority or the permission to stay in Canada. It carries all the necessary details regarding your stay in the country. This includes -

  • your purpose for visiting the country
  • the duration of your study
  • the course that you will be studying 
  • any restrictions about your employability during your stay

So, the key difference between the two is-  

Student Visa – Allows you to enter Canada

Study Permit –  Allows you to stay in Canada

Study Permit In Canada - Eligibility Criteria

You can come to Canada to study if you

  • Are enrolled at a DLI
  • Have enough money to pay for your tuition fees and can manage living expenses
  • Obey the law, have no criminal record and get a police certificate (if required)
  • Are in good health and get a medical exam (if required)

Who doesn’t need a permit to study in Canada?

  • You don’t need a study permit if you’re coming to Canada for a program that lasts 6 months or less.
  • You may not need a study permit if you’re a family or staff member of a foreign representative to Canada that has been accredited by Global Affairs Canada (GAC).
  • If you’re a member of a foreign armed force on official duties in Canada, you don’t need a study permit.
  • You don’t need a study permit if you have Registered Indian status in Canada, even if you’re a citizen of another country.

Is it hard to get a study permit for Canada?

Even though it may seem like the difficult part is over once you receive a letter of acceptance from a Canadian institution, obtaining a study permit can be more difficult than you might imagine. According to the IRCC, about 30% of study permit applications are refused.

Due to its huge popularity, it follows a rigorous visa process. After COVID-19, Canadian study permit rejection rate has shot up to 40-50%. In the pre-COVID scenario, the Canada study permit rejection rate was nearly 15-20%.

Canada Study Permit Rejection Reasons

Listed some of the popular reasons for the rejection of a study permit-

  • Questionable Letter of Acceptance
  • If the immigration officer questions your choice of program, your study permit might get rejected.
  • The chances of your study permit getting rejected are higher if your identity documents are incomplete or uneasy to read.
  • Lack of Sufficient Funds.
  • The study permit is a temporary visa, and it has an expiry date. The visa officer must be convinced that you will come back to your home country after completing your studies. If the visa officer is not satisfied and finds you a potential immigrant, then your Study Permit can be rejected.

What Should You Do After Canada Study Permit Refusal?

  • Request a re-evaluation
  • Submit a new application [This is the Best Option]
  • Appeal against the decision at the federal court of Canada.

How long is the study permit valid?

According to subsection R222(1), the length of the validity of a study permit corresponds to the length of the program of studies plus 90 days after program completion.

When is the best time to apply for a study permit? 

As soon as you receive an acceptance letter from a Canadian institution or university, you should apply for a study permit. It may take up to three months to obtain study permission.


Many people cannot differentiate between the terms “Student Visa” and “Study Permit”. A Student Visa is a document that allows you only to enter/re-enter Canada as long as it's valid. A Study Permit, on the other hand, is a document that permits you to study and stay in Canada legally as a student as long as it's valid. Students will need to apply for BOTH a student visa and a study permit before coming to Canada. 

In this article, we have tried to cover everything related to Student Visa and Study Permit. We hope your query regarding the difference between student visa and study permit has been solved. We hope you like this article!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Student Visa?

A student visa generally refers to a travel document issued by a country's embassy or consulate that allows you to enter the country for the purpose of studying. Think of it as permission to board a plane and travel to your destination. A student visa may have specific conditions attached, such as requiring you to have a valid study permit upon arrival. (https://www.applyboard.com/blog/whats-the-difference-between-a-student-visa-and-study-permit)

What is a Study Permit?

A study permit is an official document issued by a country's immigration authorities that authorizes you to stay in the country for the duration of your studies. It essentially grants you permission to reside in the country and attend a designated learning institution. In some cases, a study permit may also allow you to work part-time while studying. (https://www.applyboard.com/services/study-canada)

Do I need both a Student Visa and a Study Permit?

This depends on the specific requirements of the country you're going to study in. In some countries, a student visa alone may suffice, while others require both a visa and a study permit. It's crucial to check the official immigration website of your target country for the most up-to-date information on student visa and study permit requirements.

Where can I find more information about Student Visas and Study Permits?

The official immigration website of your target country is the most reliable source for information on student visa and study permit requirements. Here are some helpful resources to get you started:

Remember, visa and study permit requirements can change, so it's important to consult the official government sources for the latest information.

An IIT Delhi IIM Ahmedabad alumni initiative

Alpha Education Abroad is an initiative by IIT Delhi and IIM Ahmedabad alumni. The firm helps students get admitted to top universities overseas in the US, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, and many other countries. It allows students to apply for graduation as well as post-graduation courses abroad. It also helps students get admitted to top 1 year MBA programs such as ISB and IIM Ahmedabad in India.

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